As a homeopath, I often find myself conversing in a completely different language to modern English when I’m speaking with other Homeopaths.
Part of this comes from our reference books, The Materia Medica and Repertory, being written many hundreds of years ago and therefore in a very old-fashioned terminology and their use of different words and language. For instance, in the nearly 20 years of being a homeopath, I’ve not yet heard anyone refer to their nasal discharge as ‘transudation’ or ‘albuminoid’, yet they are words used in our reference books!
Another shorthand language used by Homeopaths perhaps links to the personality types that Psychologists and the like describe people as being, but a step beyond. We all know of the terms for personality types, like a Type A or a Type B personality, and the traits associated with these personalities.
In Homeopathy, we look to find a person’s constitutional type to help us better understand and support each individual. By identifying someone’s constitution, we can ascertain how they may be both emotionally and physically, how they respond to situations, how their bodies may show changes in physical wellbeing and health, and therefore how best as a Homeopath we can support them on every level.
A person’s constitution is who they are at their very core, the person they were born as physically and emotionally.
Of course, the many layers of life will have affected this and the investigative skills of a Homeopath can be challenged as they work with and support the person through each layer to find the unique qualities of the individual that they were.
The ‘power and magic’ of homeopathy comes from this understanding by Homeopaths to seek out the traits of remedies in the individuals who come for support. Whilst a person may feel they are being supported to gain improvement for their flu/eczema/hay fever/period pain etc., etc., the Homeopath is always seeking to find the persons constitutional remedy, so that the support they give is of benefit to that person as a whole, right to their very core.
with gratitude
