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Combatting colds and flu with homeopathy

Sophie Wright

At this time of year doctors medical rooms and indeed my clinic fill up with people looking to combat the symptoms of cold and flu. Sore throats, blocked sinuses and general flu like symptoms become more and more prevalent as the temperature outside drops.

Each individual that comes to see me in clinic has their own symptoms that make their cold or flu both similar and different to another’s, so each of them leave with a selection of remedies that best ‘fit’ the ailments they are presenting with.

Let’s take a look at some of the people I’ve seen this week and how I’ve been able to help them.

Jess brought her young daughter to see me early on in the week, she already has some Homeopathic remedies at home and when she noticed her daughter had started to drop in energy, she gave her some Aconite, Chamomilla and Belladonna a classic combination of remedies given at the first signs of colds/flu. Her daughters symptoms had progressed however and she now had a very snotty nose and was clingy and needing her mum’s attention. Her symptoms were generally much worse when she was indoors, where her nose would block up, but going outside improved the symptoms and her mood lifted slightly. These are typical symptoms of the remedy Pulsatilla, which I gave her Mum to add to the remedy mix she was already giving her daughter 4 times a day.

Jean contacted me for her ‘usual mix’ of remedies on Tuesday. Jean had previously had a nasty reaction to the flu vaccine and has sought an alternative from me for the last 4 years. Each year Jean collects a combination of remedies from me, which she takes twice a week for the winter season. This selection of remedies and herbal support, containing well known remedies such as Echinacea and less well known ones such as Ferrum Phos which boost the immune system and the respiratory system making the likelihood of catching a cold or the flu much less likely.

A very run down Daniel visited me on Thursday with a persistent cough and what we refer to as a post nasal drip! He felt really grotty, with aching muscles, poor sleep from coughing as soon as he lay down and a lack of appetite as his throat was sore and he couldn’t really taste anything because of the post nasal drip. Daniel’s symptoms were typical of many peoples at this time of year and he required a combination of remedies to help move his symptoms along and to start to feel better. I made up a combination of remedies for him, which included Hepar Sulph for his cough and phlegm and a combination called CCA, which helps to support the respiratory system and general chesty symptoms. The combination also included Gelsemium, which has the remedy picture we associate with the aching feeling Daniel spoke of and some herbal tinctures to support his immune system.

Getting lots of fluids inside you at this time of year is also important to help stave off winter bugs.

I recommend warm water with a slice of lemon and fresh ginger, with perhaps some organic raw honey and a few drops of Echinacea tincture, drunk regularly throughout the day. This mix helps keep fluid intake up and gives the body tools to keep the bugs at bay and supports the immune system to work at its optimum.

A good quality multivitamin aimed at supporting the immune system is worth considering. I particularly like Immunovite for its belts and braces approach to supporting the whole immune system. Many of my patients stock up on my own Immune Support remedy at this time of year. A blend of Homeopathic remedies and herbs known to support the body’s defence system.

As always, if you’d like some support with the winter bugs that are looming or would like to arrange an appointment with me, just get in touch.



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